Water Talk Event with Lily Saporta Taguiri

Water Talk Event with Lily Saporta Taguiri

A few weeks back we, Kalen Kaminski and Lily Saporta Taguiri, hosted our first ever water talk at the upstate studio in Chinatown NYC. 

It was an evening celebrating urban waterways in New York City. Sheetal Shah, program director at at Urban Ocean Lab,  eco systemic Lily Consuelo ,and Saporta Taguiri spoke about their work with urban waterways and the importance of lovel level involvement, design and policy collaboration, and even swimming in the Rockaways etc.

We collaborated on a blown glass fountaininstallation and a textile inspired by the riverbed, a series of bites made using flood tolerant plants, and served up a waterway inspired blue salty Rosaluna Mezcal cocktail in our upstate glassware. Dog Wieselman played songs he wrote inspired by the moments of water, and everyone was open, generous and curious.

Thank you for those of you who came and stay tuned for the next one in Paris! 

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